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Margins Sheet

The Margins Sheet is where all the "pizzazz" takes place. The sheet is broken down into 7 options:

Option 1 is all the category cost, sell, GPM and total information as provided by you. The Parameter Sheet, Labor, Material and Summary have all your project/company specific information. BidPro will have calculated all pertinent Raw, Burdened and Sell Labor costs.
Option 2 is the What-ifs GMP section that allows specific area changes to their gross profit margins

Option 3 allows a total project Desired GPM

Option 4 designates your desired project sell price in dollars
Option 5 is the Gold-Standard set for your company that all projects must adhere to or be subject to management approvals.
Option 6 is the Change Order (T & M) portion that allows encapsulation of all categories into Material & Labor Markup Percentages.
Option 7 allows you to pick the appropriate option (1-6) and displays that total by category. It will feed the Customer Sheet (no costs shown only sell price) and allow copied input of specific values into Profit Developer's TrakPro Software.

Option 1 Project Specifics

Margin Sheet Option #1

Option 2 What-if GMP

Margins Sheet Otion 1 input for Option #2Margins Sheet - Option #2

In the Option #2 example we have changed 3 items. However, only one item, NPT will be marked up from 0% to 30%

1. Non-Productive time was 0% markup to 30% GPM

2. Direct Job Overhead (DJO) was 0% and now is 30%

4. Misc. Costs was 0% and now is 30%

The resultant action brought our sell price up to $50,862.68 from $50,402.27. The GPM went to 33.1%.

In this example, Material items accounts for over 40% of the total sell price. As before, these percentages vary from project to project, I have found a sense of category proportions developing over time that may trigger a closer look into your project specifics.

Option 3 Desired Gross Profit

The desired sell price is based on an overall GPM of 30% (before tax):

Margins Sheet Option #3

The resultant cost/sell item breakdown for Option #3 is below:

Option #3 Item breakout

The sell price would be $55,347.37 at 35% Gross Profit (before tax) and $55,408.16 after tax.

In the above example, Material items accounts for nearly 43% of the total sell price of $55,408.16. The corresponding Labor Sell rate is calculated at $57 per hours which does not include subcontractor labor hours.

Option #3 Breakout

Option 4 Desired Sell Price

Margins Sheet Option #4

In the example above, the desired sell price has been set $53,000 (tax included)

The desired sell price of $53,000 was entered in the green area. BidPro has a plus/minus +/- backward calculation accuracy of 1%. Hence, you may see a different or recalculated BLUE Desired Sell Price if it could not hit your exact desired sell price.

Margins Sheet Option #4

Option #4 Breakout

In the above example the sell price is $53,000 (+/- 1%) at 35.8% GPM. The Labor Sell rate is $54.52 per hour.

Option 5 Gold-Standard GMP

The Parameter Sheet has set your company's desired gross profit on any project. Regardless of the different option inputs on the Margins Sheet: this item will always show your "Gold-standard".

Margins Sheet Option #5 GOLD STANDARD

No separate category breakdown is provided with Option 5 since this is the target area. You could set Option 3 to 30 % GPM or Option 4 to $50,072.22 if the exact figures are desired.

Option 6 Change Order

Let's look at this project in a Time & Material rate basis. Assume we want to bid a Material Rate of 50% markup and a Labor Rate of $60/hour (all before taxes). The Total Sell Price (before tax) is now $55,637.67 which would yield a 38.8% GPM.

Margins Sheet T & M rate of 50% and $

After you decide on which option best fits your proposal, BidPro will provide a visual feedback of text and a graphic symbol.

Margins Sheet Option Choice

The 26 written feedback responses ("Excellent choice") are user adjustable (look at column BE)

TrakPro Information

TrakPro is software available through that tracks a bid versus actual costs and determines: actual profits, bid to actual costs, billing status and cash status.

Margins Sheet - TrakPro Information

This tabulated information can easily be copied into a contract cost tracking program.

TrakPro input information

The TrakPro Software is available under separate cover and is used to track actual labor hours/material costs/other costs and compare them to the bid (budget) amount to give you an understanding of bidding accuracy and worker performance. This TrakPro spreadsheet will require the following input:
- Budget Labor Hours - Budget Raw Labor Cost - Sell Price (minus tax)
- Budget Labor Cost - Budget Material Cost
- Budget Subcontract Cost - Budget Other Cost

For more information on TrakPro please see the TrakPro product information.

The TrakPro workbook incorporates twelve (12) topic planning forms. The main forms are: Summary, Technician, Labor, Material, Subcontract, Freight, PPPM (Parking, Per Diem, Permits and Mileage), Bonding and WIP.

1.      The Summary Sheet is fed by all other sheets in the workbook. Contract labor, material, and other costs are input along with the sell price and expected profits. As actual costs start to accrue, TrakPro compares bid-to-actual results and expected profits. An estimate-to-complete line allows project and financial managers to assess project health. Besides the original contract, TrakPro will allow up to 35 change orders and will track all appropriate comparisons.

2.      The Technician Sheet allows input for tracking of up to fifty (50) people. Since some functions within Excel require a sorted list, these workers can be input and sorted using Data-Sort feature of the toolbar. The Labor Sheet allows up to 500 entries for time and raw labor rates in order to calculate burdened costs. Hours can be tracked by regular, overtime, double and premium rates.

3.      The Material Sheet allows up to 500 entries describing vendors, PO numbers, dates, dollar amounts and a specific notes section for future clarifications.

4.      The Subcontract Sheet allows entries (25 or more) describing subcontractor names, PO numbers, dollar amounts and a specific notes section for future clarifications.

5.      The Freight Sheet allows entries (25 or more) describing vendor names, PO numbers, shippers, dollar amounts and a specific notes section for future clarifications.

6.      The PPPM Sheet (parking, per diem, permits and mileage) allows entries (25 or more) describing names, type of cost, dollar amounts and a specific notes section for future clarifications.

7.      The Bond Sheet allows up to 10 entries describing the bond type, internal bond rate, our cost and a specific notes section for future clarifications.

8.     The WIP Sheet (work in progress) follows costs, estimates-to-complete, billing percentages, cash positions and tracks manhours. In addition to the original contract, the WIP sheet allows comparisons utilizing Time & Material (T & M) numbers, and fixed sell amounts for material and labor. In each case, complete financial status is displayed.

TrakPro input sheet

Typical TrakPro input can be from BidPro or input manually.

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from Peter Buitenhek