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Terminology Used in TrakPro Software
Actual Average Burdened Labor Rate/hour Total actual project burdened labor cost divided by the total actual labor hours to obtain and average actual project rate for employees with benefits

Example 1: 2 workers for 1 hour (worker 1 burdened rate $15/hr and worker 2-$30/hr): actual average burdened labor rate/hour would be $22.50.

Example 2: worker 1 ($15/hr) worked 123 hours and worker 2 ($30/hr) worked 78.5 hours. The actual average burdened labor rate/hour would be $20.84.

Burden Labor Cost Rate applied to Raw Labor Cost for company provided benefits. A worked paid at $15.00/hour (raw) would actually cost the company $19.50/hour
Burden Rate Company rate to provide employee benefits to people on the project
Cash Position The Cash Position portion looks at the billings year-to-date versus the amount of Account Receivables to get your planned cash position.
Contract Average Burdened Labor Rate/hour Total project burdened labor cost divided by the total labor hours to obtain and average project rate for employees with benefits
Contract Average Raw Labor Rate/hour Total project labor cost divided by the total labor hours to obtain and average project labor rate
DJO Rate Rate applied to raw labor rate for other project or management costs
Estimate-to-Complete (ETC) is the project managers estimate of how many manhours and material costs are required to complete the project. ETC cost comes from the Summary Sheet based on actual and forecasted costs still needed for project completion.
Estimator Accuracy The estimator determines material quantity and labor experience. Trakpro will determine how accurate these bid values are to actuals values.
Fixed Labor Sell Allows you to utilize bid and actual costs to lock the Labor Sell Price in order to determine gross profit
Fixed Material Sell Allows you to utilize bid and actual costs to lock the Material Sell Price in order to determine gross profit
Fixed Time & Material Sell Allows you to utilize bid and actual costs to lock the T & M rates in order to determine gross profit
GPM Goal Rate company has set to achieve financial success in project related endeavors
Gross Profit Project sell price minus project costs (in dollars)
Gross Profit Margin (GPM) A good starting point for product/service pricing. Project sell price minus project costs divided by project sell price times 100 (in percent). Higher percentage is better.
JTD Job-to-date. JTD actual project costs are added from all sheets and is received from the Summary Sheet.
Labor Hours Total labor hours to accomplish the project. All labor grades
PPPM Project cost item. Parking, per diem, permits and mileage paid to workers
Premium Time Rate Rate applied to Raw Labor Cost for Union Labor or weekend/special rates
Raw Labor Cost Total labor cost paid to a worker (before any company expenses (401K, Health Benefits etc.) Usually labor rate per hour quoted @ hire date.
Variance Difference, Bid minus Actual values

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