BidQwik Products

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Bid project & services
Track actual vs. contract costs
Horizontal Communications Cabling
Determine conduit & tray sizes
Logo Products (soon)
Track 50 people by hours and absences
Buy great quality products through CafePress

to BidPro design

BidPro is designed to be used by any company that wants to accurately and competitively bid on a variety of projects that feature their products & services.

The BidPro contractor bidding & financial package is a Microsoft© hosted Excel™ spreadsheet that will assist owners, estimators and project managers in competitively bidding simple through complex projects where labor and material costs are known and gross profit margins are calculated or directed. Utilizing BidPro in the simplest form requires only one (1) labor and one (1) material line to calculate your desired sell price, profit, gross margin percent, desired GMP and labor rates. Complex projects can incorporate per diems, bonding rates, subcontractors, non-markup items, resource planning, competitor comparisons, and 500 material/labor task inputs.

BidPro is designed to assist you in making informed proposal response and bid pricing decisions as well as depicting Gross Margins of Profit (GMP) and what-if bids in terms of cost and profits for the financial managers.

The BidPro workbook incorporates eleven (11) main topic-planning sheets: Parameter, Labor, Material, Summary, Margins, Cost Chart, Margins, Margins Chart, Option 3, Option 4, Customer and Export. User changeable parameters on all sheets are color-coded green.

After the user has selected the desired financial sell option, the Margins Sheet will display the relevant information for the TrakPro software input. Both BidPro and TrakPro can be used as a stand-alone system if desired.

Terminologies for BidPro

to TrakPro design
TrakPro is designed to be used by any company to manage bid projects and track actual versus bid costs.

This project tracking and financial performance package is a Microsoft© hosted Excel™ spreadsheet that will assist owners, estimators and project managers in tracking bid project costs of simple through complex projects where labor and material costs become known and gross profit margins are calculated. TrakPro will assist you in making informed resource decisions as well as manage profit and gross profit margin percentage objectives through estimate-to-complete and final costs.

The TrakPro workbook incorporates twelve (12) topic planning forms. The major sheets are: Summary, Technician, Labor, Material, Subcontract, Freight, PPPM (Parking, Per Diem, Permits and Mileage), Bonding and WIP. User changeable parameters on all sheets are color-coded green.

Terminologies for TrakPro

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Link to ConduitPro design
ConduitPro is designed to be used by a cabling or electrical contractor to determine size and fill compliance of conduit and troughs.

ConduitPro is a Microsoft© hosted Excel™ spreadsheet that will calculate the size of conduit required for network cabling. Determine how many cables will fit into a conduit and still be code compliant. Determine code bend radius of conduit carrying network cable. Determine up to ten (10) different outside diameter cable groups that will fit into a conduit. Determine density packing, and niche fill cabling sizes. Calculate trough cable count and maximum pull allowances. The ConduitPro workbook incorporates seven (7) topic-planning sheets: EIA-Fill, Peter’s-Fill, Peter's Conduit Fills, Circle Packing, Square Packing, Fill-Pull-Bend and Conduit Sizes. User changeable parameters on all sheets are color-coded green.

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to CablePro design

CablePro is designed to be used by a cabling or electrical contractor to determine material & product cost/sell price of a specific horizontal cabling project.

CablePro is a Microsoft© hosted Excel™ spreadsheet program that will assist anyone interested in determining the cost and sell price of their typical horizontal cable projects. Pricing is based on individual company labor rates and includes installation, termination, test and documentation. Use these customized results to define project budgets or compare contractor bids with CablePro results. Product material quantity, cost, average faceplate cost/sell price, return-on-investment (ROI) and gross profit margin (GPM) are calculated for Voice/Data/Fiber cabling projects. The CablePro workbook incorporates four (4) topic-planning sheets: Horizontal Parameters, Faceplate Layout, Pricing and Option. User changeable parameters on all sheets are color-coded  green.

Terminologies for CablePro

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Link to AttendancePro
LaborPro is designed to be used by any company that wants to track attendance and hours worked of up to 50 people.

1.   By utilizing the Hours Chart, we were able to see which of the 50 workers had put in the most hours worked per week. This could reflect how much dedication an employee had put into the project, or conversely, how much “chronic” overtime was being recorded (over 100%) on a project. This information along with the Attendance Chart (depicting types of absences) would assist us in allocating raises and planning promotions. User changeable parameters on all sheets are color-coded  green.

2.   By seeing the pattern of the number and types of absences (by day over a period of 1 year) on each Worker Page, coupled with when these absences took place (Monday, Friday and before/after holidays), would give us an indication of how dedicated an employee was to our project(s).

 A good (project) manager or coach promotes hard work and rewards dedication. We sometimes overlook our favorite peoples’ indiscretions, even though it affects the project profit. However, a team cannot function at peak performance if some people do not pull their weight.

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from Peter Buitenhek